10 Phrasal Verbs with Cut That you need to know

by | Aug 6, 2024 | List of Phrases

Ten phrasal verbs with Cut that you need to know

Phrasal verbs are an essential part of English, adding depth and nuance to everyday conversations. Among these, “cut” is a versatile verb that combines with various prepositions to form numerous useful phrasal verbs. Understanding these can significantly improve your English proficiency. Here are ten phrasal verbs with “cut” that you need to know:

In this article, you will learn 10 useful phrasal verbs with cut words.

Table of Contents

List of 10 Phrasal Verbs with Cut

  1. Cut back on something
  2. Cut in 
  3. Cut someone off
  4. Cut something out
  5. Cut up
  6. Cut down
  7. Cut across
  8. Cut out for
  9. Cut off
  10. Cut to the chase
  11. Cut it out
  12. Cut corners
  13. Cut a deal 
  14. Cut a rug
  15. Cut your losses
  16. Cut from the same cloth
  17. Cut the mustard
  18. Cut and run 
  19. Cut and dried
  20. Cut class

10 Phrasal Verbs with Cut (Meaning, Examples, & Usage)

1. Cut Off

Meaning: To disconnect or stop something suddenly.

Example: During the storm, the power was cut off for several hours.

Usage: “Cut off” can refer to interrupting a phone call, stopping financial support, or even ending a relationship abruptly. It’s a powerful phrase often used to describe a sudden cessation.

2. Cut Down

Meaning: To reduce the amount of something.

Example: I’m trying to cut down on sugar to improve my health.

Usage: This phrasal verb is commonly used when talking about reducing consumption or expenses. Whether it’s cutting down on junk food, smoking, or spending, it implies a deliberate effort to decrease something.

3. Cut Out

Meaning: To remove or stop using something.

Example: The doctor advised me to cut out caffeine from my diet.

Usage: “Cut out” is often used in health and dietary contexts but can also apply to stopping other habits or practices. It signifies eliminating something completely.

4. Cut In

Meaning: To interrupt a conversation or activity.

Example: It’s rude to cut in when someone else is speaking.

Usage: This verb is perfect for describing interruptions, whether it’s in a conversation, a queue, or a dance. It conveys the idea of inserting oneself into an ongoing activity.

5. Cut Back

Meaning: To reduce the quantity of something.

Example: We need to cut back on our spending to save for the trip.

Usage: Similar to “cut down,” “cut back” is used when reducing expenses or usage, often in response to financial constraints or resource management.

6. Cut Through

Meaning: To go through something, typically to save time or effort.

Example: Let’s cut through the park to get home faster.

Usage: “Cut through” implies finding a shortcut or a more direct route. It can also be used metaphorically, as in cutting through red tape or confusion.

7. Cut Out For

Meaning: To be suited for something.

Example: I’m not cut out for a 9-to-5 job; I prefer freelancing.

Usage: This phrase is often used to express whether someone is suitable or has the necessary qualities for a particular job or activity. It suggests an inherent aptitude or compatibility.

8. Cut Across

Meaning: To affect or relate to different groups or categories.

Example: Environmental issues cut across all aspects of society.

Usage: “Cut across” is often used in discussions about topics that span multiple areas or demographics, emphasizing their broad relevance or impact.

9. Cut Up

Meaning: To cut something into smaller pieces.

Example: She cut up the vegetables for the salad.

Usage: This verb is literal and is commonly used in cooking or any situation where something needs to be divided into smaller parts. It can also be used metaphorically, as in being emotionally or mentally “cut up” about something.

10. Cur Back On

Meaning: To reduce something, typically spending or consumption.

Example: We need to cut back on our use of plastic to help the environment.

Usage: Similar to “cut down” and “cut back,” this phrase specifically emphasizes the need to reduce usage or spending, often for practical or ethical reasons.


Mastering these phrasal verbs with “cut” can greatly enhance your English communication skills. They allow you to express a variety of actions and concepts with precision and clarity. By incorporating these into your vocabulary, you’ll be able to articulate your thoughts more effectively and sound more fluent in your conversations. So, start practicing these phrasal verbs today and see the difference they make in your language proficiency!

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