Movies are a universal form of entertainment that are enjoyed worldwide. Learning cinema vocabulary can enhance your communication skills and help you to describe your favorite actors and express your thoughts about movies in English.
In this article, you will learn essential cinema vocabulary in English, common movie-related words, technical terms, and useful expressions to expand your basic English skills.
Cinema vocabulary refers to the collection of words and phrases used to describe movies, filmmaking, and the experience of watching films. Cinema vocabulary includes terms related to different types of films (genres), technical aspects of movie production, and expressions commonly used while talking about movies.
- Let’s go to the cinema tonight.
- What’s your favorite movie genre?
- That actor is really talented.
- The plot was so interesting!
- I love movies with subtitles.
- the special effects were amazing!
Common Cinema-Relted Words
Here are some common and basic cinema vocabulary words used in every day conversations:
- Movie/Film
- Scene
- Dialogue
- Script
- Plot
- Character
- Subtitles
- Sequal
- Review
- Ticket
- Showtime
- Box Office
- Audience
List of Cinema Vocabulary in English
Here is the list of cinema vocabulary words in English:
- Air conditioned
- Audio VisualÂ
- Audio graphy
- Booking Office
- Box
- Box office hit
- Colored FilmÂ
- Distributor
- DocumentaryÂ
- Exhibiter
- Exit
- First RunÂ
- Free Pass hunter
- GalleryÂ
- IntermissionÂ
- IntervalÂ
- Late Show
- Light
- Matinee Show
- No SmokingÂ
- Premiere
- Press Show
- ScreenÂ
- Showman
- Silver ScreenÂ
- SoundÂ
- Wide screenÂ
Basic Movie Terms
- Movie/Film
- Scene
- Dialogue
- Script
- Plot
- Character
- Subtitles
- Sequel
- Review
- Premiere
Movie Genres
- ActionÂ
- Comedy
- Drama
- Horror
- Romance
- Sci-Fi (Science Fiction)
- Thriller
- Documentary
- Animation
- Fantasy
People in the Film Industory
- DirectorÂ
- Producer
- Actor/Acress
- Screenwriter
- Cinematographer
- Editor
- Makeup Artist
- Stunt Double
- Casting Director
- Film Crew
Cinema Vocabulary with Meanings
Here are the cinema vocabulary words with meanings:
- Movie/Film: A recorded story shown on a screen.
- Scene: A small part of a movie with specific action.
- Dialogue: Conversations between characters in a film.
- Script: The written text of a movie, including dialogue and instructions.
- Plot: The storyline or events that happen in a movie.
- Character: A person in a film played by an actor.
- Subtitles: Translated or written text displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- Sequel: A movie that continues the story of an earlier film.
- Review: An opinion or critique about a film.
Commonly Used Sentences with Cinema Vocabulary
Here are some examples of commonly used sentences with cinema vocabulary words:
- Let’s buy movie tickets online.
- The action scenes were awesome!
- I prefer watching films in 3D.
- The director did a great job.
- That was the best plot twist ever!
- This film has amazing cinematography.
- Who is your favorite actor?
- The sequel wasn’t as good.
- The soundtrack was so emotional.
- Let’s watch the trailer first.
Learning cinema vocabulary is a great way to improve your English while enjoying movies. These words are useful for discussing genres, describing film techniques, and talking about your favorite actors.
I hope this article helped you learn useful cinema vocabulary words in English.
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