Climate Change Vocabulary in English

by | Feb 7, 2024 | Basic Vocabulary

Climate change vocabulary in English includes words, phrases, and expressions commonly used to describe climate change. Learning these words helps you communicate more effectively and better understand if someone is discussing weather and climate conditions.

In this article, you will learn useful vocabulary words about climate change. In addition, you will find the most commonly used words for climate change in English. Also, plenty of examples of sentences are given at the end of this article that can help you learn how to use these words in sentences correctly.

Climate change vocabulary refers to words, expressions, and phrase that are commonly used to talk about climate. Learning these words is useful for expanding your basic vocabulary and get familiar with the words describing climate change. So when you talk about weather, climate, or climate change, you can feel confident and speak about these topics more professionally and fluently.

Words related to climate are frequently used in our everyday discussions. Here are some of the examples of everyday sentences.


  • It’s windy today.
  • It’s cold. 
  • It’s freezing. 
  • It’s hot outside. 
  • The rain is expected to start in two hours.
  • There is snowing outside.

Common Climate Change Vocabulary in English

Here is the list of the most common climate change vocabulary words used in daily life.

  • Snow
  • Storm 
  • Flood
  • Earthquake
  • Sleet
  • Drizzle
  • Shower
  • Sunny
  • Cloudy

List of Climate Vocabulary in English

Take a look at the following list of helpful climate change vocabulary and use them in your speaking and writing practices to memorize them. Talking about climate change topics is common in our society, and it is always better to know terms and phrases relating to climate.

  • Flood 
  • Drought
  • Famine
  • Earthquake
  • Tsunami
  • Blizzard
  • Squall
  • Storm (variations include ice storm, snowstorm, rainstorm, windstorm, sandstorm)
  • Hail
  • Drizzle
  • Sleet
  • Frost
  • Overcast
  • Smog (air pollution)
  • Snowfall
  • Mudslide
  • Avalanche
  • Volcanic eruption 
  • Typhoon
  • Monsoon
  • Tornado
  • Hurricane
  • Cyclone
  • Heat wave
  • Snow/snowflakes

English Terms Used by Meteorologists

Now, let’s take a look at the words, terms, and phrases related to climate change used by meteorologists. These are the words that you may have heard while watching weather news, reading weather forecasts, or listening to weather-related conversations.

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Rainfall
  • Thunderstorm
  • Fog/Mist (foggy, misty)
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Wind velocity and direction 
  • Solar radiation 
  • Cloudiness
  • Storm possibility
  • Tropical storm
  • Water vapor
  • Wind chill 
  • Air pressure

Sayings in English about the Weather

  • The higher the clouds, the better the weather.
  • If bees stay at home, rain will soon come; if they fly away, the fine will be the day.
  • Rainbow at noon, more rain soon.
  • There’s no bad weather, there are just bad clothes.
  • A warm November is a sign of bad weather.
  • After rain comes fair weather.

Climate Change Vocabulary with Sentences

Using new English words in sentences is the best way to learn and memorize them. Consider following words with sencetence example to easily use them in your speaking and writing exercises.

  • It’s snowing.
  • It’s been raining since morning.
  • The continuous rain might cause a flood.
  • The sun is hidden behind the clouds.
  • The wind is passing through the body.
  • Farmers are expecting rain for their crops.
  • The heavy wind is expected tonight.
  • When is the rain going to stop?
  • There is a tornado watch until 6 a.m.
  • It’s freezing cold outside.
  • The temperature has dropped after cold wind.
  • I love this breaze.

Climate Change Vocabulary FAQs

What is climate change vocabulary in English?

Climate change vocabulary in English refers to words, phrases, and expressions to describe climate change. For instance, it’s raining.

What are some examples of climate change vocabulary in English?

The examples of climate change vocabulary includes; raining, storm, heat, freezing, and cold wind. 

What is the purpose of learning climate change vocabulary in English?

Learning climate change vocabulary primarily aims to help you understand what words, expressions, and phrases are commonly used to describe weather conditions and climate changes. 

I hope this article helped you learn climate change vocabulary in English. 

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