Commonly Confused Words

40 Commonly Confused Words

English is a language rich in vocabulary, but with this richness comes complexity. Many words in English sound alike, look alike, or even have similar meanings, yet their usage can change the entire context of a sentence. This often leads to confusion, even for native...

Laying vs lying: Which is the Right One?

Laying vs. Lying (Lay vs. Lie) – What’s the Difference? Introduction Have you ever found yourself puzzled over whether to use "lay" or "lie" in a sentence? You're not alone! These two words are some of the most commonly confused in the English language, and for a good...

Was vs Were: How to Use Them Correctly?

Have you ever found yourself wondering whether to use "was" or "were" in a sentence? Most beginners struggle with the use of 'was vs were' because they are both past tense forms of the verb "to be," but their usage depends on different grammatical rules. Understanding...

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