Creative Writing: Everything You Need to Get Started

by | Aug 1, 2024 | Writing Tips

Are you wondering about what creative writing is and why learning creative writing is important?

Creative writing is a form of writing in which a writer do not follow the rules of other types of writing(academic, critical, or journalistic). Instead, a creative writer puts his imagination, expression, and storytelling skills into his writing and goes beyond the limits of academic writing. 

In this article, you will learn what creative writing means, what the types of creative writing are, and some helpful tips to boost your creative writing skills. 

Creative writing is a free expression of ideas, thoughts, or information without following the common rules of academic, journalistic, or other formal writing. 

In creative writing, a writer puts his emotions, ideas, or knowledge into writing by creating captivating and attractive scripts, whether it’s poetry, novels, or personal essays. Also, the writer uses imagination to write something to grab and hold his readers’ attention. 

Types of Creative Writing

Creative writing is different from other types of writing in its style, expression, or delivery of ideas. So, creative writing is mainly categorized into two groups: fictional and non-fictional. Below are the some of the most common types of creative writing;

  1. Novels
  2. Poetry
  3. Short Stories
  4. Plays, TV Scripts, and screenplays
  5. Personal Essays
  6. Literary Journalism
  7. Memoirs
  8. Humor Writing
  9. Lyrics Essays
  10. Autobiographies

Tips for Writing Creatively

Creative writing is the best way to express your imagination and thoughts. It does not follow the style of other kinds of writing that we have learned in college, books, or newspapers. Creative writing is a practice that you need to implement. Below are some of the tips that you can use to improve your creativity in your writing. 

  1. Give yourself time and space for creative writing
  2. Get to know yourself as a writer
  3. Challenge yourself
  4. Learn from other writers

Frequently Asked Questions About Creative Writing

What is creative writing?

What is the main purpose of creative writing?

Is creative writing easy?

What is the main purpose of creative writing?

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