The word passed is commonly used in everyday English in different contexts and expressions. It becomes confusing because of its different meanings, which depend on the context in which it is used.
In this article, you will learn the common expressions with passed, their meanings, and examples.
Many expressions in the Engish language use the word “passed in different contexts. Its meaning depends on the context in which it is used. It can refer to time, movement, success, or loss.
For example:
- The car passed by quickly.
- She passed the exam.
- Years have passed since we last met.
- He passed away last year.
Common Expressions with Passed
Here are the common expressions with passed and their meanings.
Expression Related to Time and Events
These expressions refer to how time moves or how something has changed over time.
1. Time has passed
This expression is used to describe the passage of time.
- Ten years have passed since we last met.
2. Passed its prime
When something is no longer as good as it used to be.
- That old restaurant has passed its prime.
3. Passed down
To give something to future generations.
- This tradition was passed down from my grandparents.
4. Passed unnoticed
When something is not seen or acknowledged.
- His hard word passed unnoticed by his boss.
5. Passed over
Ignore or not chosen for something.
- She was passed over for the promotion again.
Expression Related to Movement and Transition
These phrases describe the act of moving or changing position.
1. Passed by
To move past something or someone
- I passed by your house yesterday.
2. Passed through
To go through a place or experience
- We passed through several small towns on our way home.