How to Improve Your Essay Writing Skills

by | Aug 19, 2024 | Academic Writing, Essay Writing

Essay writing is the most important skill in academic writing. At the college or university level, students are required to write essays as part of their academic study. Most of the time, students have to write different types of essays depending on the subjects they choose to study. For instance, in law school, students have to write arguments on both sides of the case.

In this article, you will learn the best tips and strategies that you can use in your essay writing. These tips will surely help you to improve your essay writing skills.

Let’s get started!

Essay writing skill is the ability to write a concise, correct piece of writing that conveys your thoughts in an organized manner.

Why you need to improve your Essay writing skills

There are several reasons to improve your essay writing skills. Following are a few of them:

  • Essay writing improves your analytical skills.
  • It helps you to make arguments.
  • It boosts your reasoning skills. 

12 Tips to improve your essay writing skills

Use the following tips and tricks to improve your essay-writing skills.

  1. Analyze your question 
  2. Make an outline 
  3. Write an introduction 
  4. Write the Main body of your essay 
  5. Use active voice 
  6. Avoid Repetition 
  7. Create a Follow in Your Essay 
  8. Make Arguments and Provide Reasoning 
  9. Avoid Grammar Mistakes 
  10. Use Appropriate Vocabualry 
  11. Write Conclusion 
  12. Proofread Your Essay Before Submitting

1. Analyze your question

Before you start writing your essay, the most important step is to analyze the question on which you are asked to write an essay. Carefully readd the question and accordingly plan your writing to answer the question.

2. Make an outline

An outline of an essay is roadmap that guide you to write your essay in a sequency and flow.

Before start writing, you should always write an outline in which write the most important topics that you will cover in your essay. This is also important to take your reader in a sequential reading and educate them step by step.

3. Write an introduction

An introduction of an essay is extremely important because it tells that what the essay is about, what a reader should expect in the late reading. It tells a breife introduction or summary or the thigs, facts, or sthat a reader should exprect in the main body of the essay.

4. Write Main Body of your Essay

Once you finish your intoruction, write the main body of the essay. State with headings and arrange them in the way you wrote in your outline. Then explain each heading with more information and provide solution, tips, evidence and facts. Use bullter points and sub heading to further narrow down your topic heading in detail.

5. Use Active Voice

There are two voices in English: active and passive voice. In active voice, a subject is known and show the action. a subject is the one who perform the action and active voice tells use who is the subject is and what a subject is doing in the sentence.e

On the other hand, passive voice is a voice in which we don’t know the subject but we know an ction has been performed by someone. The subject is always unknonw. The most common examples of passive voice is reporting news stories in which we don’t know who did what btu we do know that something has happened.

6. Avoid Repetition

Reptition is bad for you writing skills. Avoide repeating words. Instead different synonyms or similar words to explain things in more unique way. Once you know how to use varity of different words, your writing will shine and looks professional.

7. Create a flow in your Essay

One of the most important skill in writing essay is to create a flow in your writing. A flow in you essay keep your reader engage and they keep reading to learn more about the subject or topic. A good writing must have a flow of thoguts, ideas, information in a sequentical order.

8. Make arguments and provide reasonings

If you are writing an agurmentative essay, then make sure you rare providing argument in both in favor or in opposition of the statement. Once you write arugements, you must also write reasons to support your arugement. The main purpose of making argument and roviding readonsing and evidence is to persuade your readers in the favor of the position that you are making arugement.s.

9. Avoid Grammar Mistakes

Grammar is the backbone of English writing skills. Without proper knowledge of grammar, it is impossible to write something that will make sense for your reasers. Learn how to use punctuation and where to place correct punctuation mark. Also, consult grammar rules to make your writing shine and effective. Once you know the rules of grammar, your writine will have tremendous effect on your reader because grammatical correct writing willd definitely make sense for yfour readers.

10. Use Appropriate Vocabulary

Vocabualry is extremely important to put your thoughts in writing. A good vocabulary allos you to express your feelings, thoughts, ideas in a more uniqie and interest whay. Once you have good vocabulary, you will definitely write proper and correct words to tell what you want to say or present. Proper vocabulary is highly important. Use variety of english vocbaualry words and vaoid repetitonf of words in yroue essay. Because if you use the same word smultiple times, that will have a bad impression on your essay. The  best ways to deal with such a situation is to use synomyms or other similar words to say the same thing.

11. Write Conclusion

Conlcusion gives an overview of your essay to the readers. A conclusion is in toher words is a short summary of your essay. Its purpose is to restate the main points of your essay to remind your readers what you have discussed above. Do not add extra or out of the context statement in the conclusion. The good collusion is the breift summary of over view of the essay.

12. Proofread Your Essay before Submitting

Proofreading is the technique used to find how you essay is in terms of correct use of grammar, vocabulary, sententnec stures. It is ahlo help to see the flow of your writing and reader eangagement. Before you submit your eassy, you must proofread your essay to find out any discrepancies in your write. Another way is to asksome one to review your essay and give feedback how it present the statement, facts, dats, and statistics.

I hope this article helped you to learn how to improve your essay writing skills.

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