English grammar can sometimes be trickly, and one of the most common confusions among learners is the difference between let’s vs lets. Both words come from the verb let. However, thier meanings andusaage are quite different. Understanding the simple rules to remember when using let’s vs lets will help you write and speak more accurately.
In this article, you will learn the difference between let’s vs lets, their correct usage, and easy tips to help you remember when to use each word correctly.
Many English learners mix up let’s and lets because both words look almost identical. They only difference is the aposrtrophey. However, this small puncuation mark changes the meaing entirely.
Let’s is a contraction of let us, which is often to make suggestions or give invitations. For example:
- Let’s go shopping.
On the other hand, the word “lets” is the third-person singular form of the verb let which means allows or permits something to happen. For example:
- My mom lets me go out with friends.
Although both let’s and lets are related, However, they serv different functions in a sentences. Let’s explore each word in more detail.
What Does Let’s Mean?
Let’s is a contraction of let us and is commonly used in conversational language to suggestions, offers, or invitations. The word let’s implies that the speaker and at least one other person should do something together.
For example:
- Let’s go to the beach.
- Let’s try a new restaurant.
- Let’s study for the exam together.
What Does Lets Mean?
Lets is the third-personal singular form of the verb let (without an apostrophe). It means allows or permits something to happen. Unlike let’s, lets does not make a suggestion. Instead, it describes an action where someone or something is giving permission.
For example:
- She lets her dog play outside.
- The teacher lets us leave early.
Key Differences Between Let’s vs Lets
Here are the key differences between let’s vs lets. Understanding these differences helps you avoid common grammar mistakes and ensures that your writing is clear.
Examples of Let’s vs Lets in Sentences
Here are some examples of sentences to help you learn the correct usage of “Let’s” in English:
- Let’s order pizza for dinner.
- Let’s take a break and relax for a while.
- Let’s watch a movie tonight.
- Let’s try a new coffee shop this weekend.
- Let’s go hiking on Sunday.
Examples of correct usage of “Lets”:
- My mom lets me stay up late on weekends.
- The website lets users create free accounts.
- The teacher lets students ask question during the lesson.
- This softwaare lets you edit photos easily.
- The coach lets the players practice longer on Fridays.
Learning the correct usage of let’s vs lets helps to write clearly in English becuase both words looks identical. The only difference between let’s and lets is the use of apostrophe and this small punctuation mark change the meanings entirely.
Therefore, the key difference between let’s vs lets comes down to meaning and usage. Let’s is a short form of let us and it is used to make suggestions or inviations. However, lets is a third-person singualr form of verb let and it means allows or permits something.
By remembering these simple rules and practicing with examples, you will be able to use let’s vs lets correctly in your communication.
I hope this article helped you to learn the difference between let’s and lets and how to correctly use both words in your English communication.
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