Human Life Stages Vocabulary in English

by | Aug 6, 2024 | Basic Vocabulary

Understanding human life stages is essential in mastering English vocabulary, as it helps language learners describe the different phases of life people go through from birth to old age. Learning important human life stages and vocabulary associated with each phase is crucial for building a more robust and comprehensive vocabulary.

In this article, you will learn useful vocabulary words in English related to human life stages with everyday use examples of sentences.

In English, certain words are used to talk about human life stages. These words are commonly used in conversations and learning these useful words can add some extra words to your vocabulary bank. Here are some examples of sentences in which life stages vocabulary is used in context.


  • His adult son is living with him.
  • She gave birth to twins. 
  • He is the only child of his parents.
  • She is taking care of her two teenage daughters. 
  • She is an honest woman. 
  • They adopted an orphan as their child. 

Most Common Human Life Stages Words in English

Here is the list of most common wedding vocabulary words used in daily life.

  • Adult
  • Bachelor
  • Child
  • Eunuch
  • Infant
  • Man
  • Middle aged
  • Orphan
  • Sissy
  • Spinster
  • Teenager
  • Tomboy
  • Triplet
  • Twin
  • Woman
  • Youth

Human Life Stages Vocabulary in English

1. Infancy

Infancy is the very first stage of human life, encompassing the period from birth to about two years of age. Infants, commonly referred to as babies, are entirely dependent on their caregivers for their survival and development.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Newborn: A baby that is just born.
  • Infant: A child in the earliest period of life, especially before they can walk.
  • Cradle: A small bed for an infant, often with rockers.
  • Diaper: A piece of absorbent material wrapped around a baby’s bottom.
  • Pacifier: A rubber or plastic nipple for a baby to suck on.

2. Childhood

Childhood extends from infancy to the onset of puberty, typically from ages two to twelve. During this period, children grow and develop rapidly, both physically and mentally.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Toddler: A child who has only recently learned to walk, usually between one and three years old.
  • Preschooler: A child who is old enough to attend preschool, generally between three and five years old.
  • Child: A young human being below the age of puberty.
  • Playground: An outdoor area for children to play.
  • Kindergarten: A school or class for young children aged four to six.

3. Adolescence

Adolescence is the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood, typically between ages 13 and 19. This stage is marked by significant physical, emotional, and social changes.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Teenager: A person aged between 13 and 19 years.
  • Puberty: The period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.
  • Peer pressure: Influence from members of one’s peer group.
  • Hormones: Chemical substances that regulate various bodily functions and changes.
  • Identity: The qualities and beliefs that make a person unique.

4. Young Adulthood

Young adulthood spans from the late teens or early twenties to around the mid-thirties. It is a time of establishing independence, pursuing education or career, and forming intimate relationships.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Young adult: A person in their late teens to early thirties.
  • Career: A long-term profession or occupation.
  • Relationship: A connection or association with others.
  • University: An institution of higher education and research.
  • Graduation: The act of receiving a degree or diploma.

5. Middle Adulthood

Middle adulthood covers the period from the mid-thirties to the mid-sixties. This stage is often characterized by stability in career and family life, as well as the onset of aging.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Middle-aged: Describing a person in the middle period of adulthood, typically between 45 and 65 years old.
  • Midlife crisis: A period of emotional turmoil in middle adulthood.
  • Retirement: The act of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work.
  • Menopause: The time in a woman’s life when menstrual periods permanently stop.
  • Career advancement: Progression in one’s job or professional life.

6. Late Adulthood

Late adulthood refers to the later years of life, starting around age 65. This stage is often associated with retirement, reflection, and enjoying the fruits of one’s labor.

Key Vocabulary:

  • Senior citizen: A person of retirement age, usually 65 or older.
  • Pension: A regular payment made during retirement from an investment fund.
  • Longevity: Long life or the duration of life.
  • Elderly: A polite term for older people.
  • Wisdom: The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

List of Human Life Stages Vocabulary in English

Here is the list of human life stages vocabulary words commonly used in English conversations. To help you memorize, It would recommend using these life stages vocabulary words in your daily speaking and writing practices. 

  • Adult
  • Bachelor
  • Child
  • Eunuch
  • Infant
  • Man
  • Middle aged
  • Orphan
  • Sissy
  • Spinster
  • Teenager
  • Tomboy
  • Triplet
  • Twin
  • Woman
  • Youth

Human Life Stages Vocabulary in Sentences

  • A newborn baby needs a lot of care and attention.
  • The infant smiled when her mother sang a lullaby.
  • The toddler is learning to walk and talk at the same time.
  • My child loves to play with building blocks.
  • The teenager spends most of his time studying and playing video games.
  • He became an adult when he turned 18.


Each stage of human life comes with its unique experiences and vocabulary. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can better describe and understand the different phases of life in English. This vocabulary will enrich your language skills and enable you to engage in more detailed and nuanced conversations about human development.

I hope this article helped you learn useful vocabulary words about human life stages. These words are commonly used in our daily life conversations and learning these words is helpful to talk about topics related to human life stages more easily and confidently.

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