A Comprehensive List of Names of Animals in English

by | Jan 29, 2025 | Basic Vocabulary

Learning new words is an important step in improving your English skills. One useful way to expand your vocabulary is by learning the list of names of animals. Animals are a common part of everyday conversations, stories, and even idioms in English. Knowing their names will help you describe things better and communicate more easily.

In this article, you will find a list of names of animals categorized into different groups, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects. This simple guide will help English learners and beginners remember common animal names and use them in sentences. Whether you are talking about pets, wild animals, or sea creatures, this list will make your learning fun and easy.

List of Names of Animals

Here is a comprehensive list of names of animals categorized into different groups.


Mammals are warm-blooded animals that have fur or hair and feed their babies with milk. They live in different environments, from forests and grasslands to oceans and deserts. Some common mammals include dogs, cats, elephants, and monkeys.

Many mammals are domesticated, like cows, horses, and goats, while others, like lions, tigers, and bears, live in the wild. Learning the names of mammals will help you describe animals you see in daily life and nature.

  1. African Elephant
  2. African Wild Dog
  3. Alpaca
  4. Anteater
  5. Antelope
  6. Armadillo
  7. Aye-Aye
  8. Baboon
  9. Badger
  10. Banded Mongoose
  11. Bat
  12. Bear
  13. Beaver
  14. Bison
  15. Bobcat
  16. Bonobo
  17. Buffalo
  18. Camel
  19. Capybara
  20. Caracal
  21. Cat
  22. Cheetah
  23. Chimpanzee
  24. Chipmunk
  25. Coyote
  26. Deer
  27. Dik-Dik
  28. Dog
  29. Dolphin
  30. Donkey
  31. Dugong
  32. Elephant
  33. Elk
  34. Ferret
  35. Fossa
  36. Fox
  37. Gazelle
  38. Gibbon
  39. Giraffe
  40. Goat
  41. Gorilla
  42. Guinea Pig
  43. Hamster
  44. Hedgehog
  45. Hippopotamus
  46. Horse
  47. Hyena
  48. Jackal
  49. Jaguar
  50. Kangaroo
  51. Koala
  52. Leopard
  53. Llama
  54. Lynx
  55. Mandrill
  56. Manatee
  57. Meerkat
  58. Mink
  59. Mole
  60. Moose
  61. Mouse
  62. Muskox
  63. Narwhal
  64. Ocelot
  65. Okapi
  66. Opossum
  67. Orangutan
  68. Otter
  69. Panda
  70. Panther
  71. Pig
  72. Platypus
  73. Polar Bear
  74. Porcupine
  75. Possum
  76. Prairie Dog
  77. Pronghorn
  78. Puma
  79. Quokka
  80. Rabbit
  81. Raccoon
  82. Rat
  83. Red Panda
  84. Reindeer
  85. Rhinoceros
  86. Sea Lion
  87. Seal
  88. Sheep
  89. Skunk
  90. Sloth
  91. Squirrel
  92. Tapir
  93. Tasmanian Devil
  94. Tiger
  95. Walrus
  96. Warthog
  97. Weasel
  98. Whale
  99. Wolf
  100. Zebra


Birds are animals with feathers, wings, and beaks. Most birds can fly, but some, like penguins and ostriches, cannot. They are found in different places around the world, from forests to cities.

Common birds include parrots, eagles, sparrows, and ducks. Learning bird names will help you talk about nature, pets, and even famous bird-related expressions in English.

  1. Albatross
  2. Bald Eagle
  3. Barn Owl
  4. Blue Jay
  5. Budgerigar (Budgie)
  6. Canary
  7. Cardinal
  8. Cassowary
  9. Chicken
  10. Cockatoo
  11. Cormorant
  12. Crane
  13. Crow
  14. Cuckoo
  15. Dove
  16. Duck
  17. Eagle
  18. Egret
  19. Emu
  20. Falcon
  21. Finch
  22. Flamingo
  23. Goose
  24. Goldfinch
  25. Hawk
  26. Heron
  27. Hornbill
  28. Hummingbird
  29. Ibis
  30. Jackdaw
  31. Kestrel
  32. Kingfisher
  33. Kiwi
  34. Kookaburra
  35. Lark
  36. Macaw
  37. Magpie
  38. Nightingale
  39. Ostrich
  40. Osprey
  41. Owl
  42. Parakeet
  43. Parrot
  44. Partridge
  45. Peacock
  46. Pelican
  47. Penguin
  48. Pheasant
  49. Pigeon
  50. Puffin
  51. Quail
  52. Raven
  53. Roadrunner
  54. Robin
  55. Seagull
  56. Sparrow
  57. Stork
  58. Swallow
  59. Swan
  60. Tern
  61. Toucan
  62. Turkey
  63. Vulture
  64. Warbler
  65. Waxwing
  66. Woodpecker


Reptiles are cold-blooded animals with dry, scaly skin. They include snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles. Many reptiles lay eggs, and they are found in warm environments like deserts, forests, and rivers.

Some reptiles, like turtles, move slowly, while others, like snakes and lizards, are fast. Knowing the names of reptiles will help you understand more about nature and wildlife.

  1. Alligator
  2. Anaconda
  3. Basilisk
  4. Bearded Dragon
  5. Black Mamba
  6. Boa Constrictor
  7. Chameleon
  8. Cobra
  9. Coral Snake
  10. Crocodile
  11. Frilled Lizard
  12. Gecko
  13. Gila Monster
  14. Green Iguana
  15. Komodo Dragon
  16. Leatherback Turtle
  17. Monitor Lizard
  18. Python
  19. Rattlesnake
  20. Red-Eared Slider
  21. Sea Turtle
  22. Skink
  23. Tortoise
  24. Tuatara
  25. Viper


Amphibians are animals that live both on land and in water. They have moist skin and usually start their life in water as tadpoles before developing legs and lungs. Examples of amphibians include frogs, toads, and salamanders.

Amphibians are often found near ponds, lakes, and rainforests. Learning their names will help you understand more about different animal habitats.

  1. Axolotl
  2. Bullfrog
  3. Caecilian
  4. Fire Salamander
  5. Glass Frog
  6. Golden Poison Dart Frog
  7. Hellbender
  8. Leopard Frog
  9. Newt
  10. Poison Dart Frog
  11. Salamander
  12. Toad
  13. Tree Frog


Fish are water animals that have gills to breathe and fins to swim. They live in freshwater like rivers and lakes or saltwater like oceans and seas. Some common fish include goldfish, salmon, sharks, and clownfish.

Fish come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Learning their names will help you talk about marine life and different types of food.

  1. Angelfish
  2. Archerfish
  3. Barracuda
  4. Betta Fish
  5. Blowfish
  6. Catfish
  7. Clownfish
  8. Cod
  9. Discus
  10. Electric Eel
  11. Eel
  12. Flounder
  13. Goldfish
  14. Grouper
  15. Guppy
  16. Hammerhead Shark
  17. Jellyfish
  18. Koi Fish
  19. Lionfish
  20. Marlin
  21. Moray Eel
  22. Neon Tetra
  23. Oscar Fish
  24. Parrotfish
  25. Piranha
  26. Rainbow Trout
  27. Salmon
  28. Sawfish
  29. Seahorse
  30. Shark
  31. Siamese Fighting Fish
  32. Stingray
  33. Swordfish
  34. Tilapia
  35. Tuna
  36. Wobbegong


Invertebrates are animals that do not have a backbone. This group includes insects, spiders, worms, and sea creatures like jellyfish and octopuses. They are found everywhere, from gardens to deep in the ocean.

Some invertebrates, like bees and butterflies, are important for pollination, while others, like crabs and snails, live in water. Learning their names will help you describe small animals in nature.

Arachnids (Spiders, Scorpions, etc.)

  1. Black Widow Spider
  2. Camel Spider
  3. Daddy Longlegs
  4. Goliath Birdeater
  5. Jumping Spider
  6. Scorpion
  7. Tarantula
  8. Tick


  1. Ant
  2. Bee
  3. Beetle
  4. Butterfly
  5. Cicada
  6. Cockroach
  7. Cricket
  8. Dragonfly
  9. Firefly
  10. Flea
  11. Fly
  12. Grasshopper
  13. Ladybug
  14. Mantis
  15. Mosquito
  16. Moth
  17. Termite
  18. Wasp

Mollusks (Snails, Octopuses, etc.)

  1. Clam
  2. Cuttlefish
  3. Giant Squid
  4. Mussel
  5. Nautilus
  6. Octopus
  7. Oyster
  8. Scallop
  9. Snail
  10. Squid

Crustaceans (Crabs, Lobsters, etc.)

  1. Barnacle
  2. Crab
  3. Hermit Crab
  4. Lobster
  5. Pistol Shrimp
  6. Shrimp
  7. Yeti Crab

Conclusion: List of Names of Animals

Expanding your vocabulary is an important part of learning English, and knowing a list of names of animals will help you in many situations. From talking about your favorite pet to discussing wildlife or nature, these words will make your conversations more interesting and clear.

Keep practicing by using these animal names in sentences, playing word games, or even labeling pictures. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in using these words. Continue learning new vocabulary every day, and soon, speaking and understanding English will feel much easier!

I hope this article helped you to find a comprehensive list of names of animals.

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