List of Phrases

50 Most Common Phrasal Verbs Used in Daily Life

Phrasal verbs are most commonly used in English. These verbs are made up of by combining two or more words and represent different meaning instead of their individual words.  Learning phrasel verbs is useful for beginners to improve their communication skills. These...

100 Common English Phrases

Common English PhrasesIn this article, you will learn some useful words and phrases used relating to jobs and occupations.Common English PhrasesCommon Phrases to Ask How Somone is: What's up? What's new? How's it going? How are things? How's life? Common phrase to say...

15 Popular Idioms and Phrases

15 popular idioms and phrases.Idioms and phrases are the spice of the English language. They add color, personality, and depth to conversations, making them more engaging and expressive. For English language learners, mastering idioms can be a game-changer, helping...

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