What are Reciprocal Pronouns? Definition & Examples

by | Apr 19, 2024 | Parts of Speech

In Engish, some pronouns show a mutual relationship with two different things or elements.

In this article, you will learn what reciprocal pronouns are, examples of reciprocal pronouns, and how to correctly use them in sentences. Also, you will find examples of everyday use sentences in which reciprocal pronouns are used so you can understand them better.

Reciprocal pronouns are types of pronouns that describe a mutual relationship between two or more elements. For example:

  • They are helping each other.
  • They move towards each other.
  • They talk about one another.
  • They both look at one another.

Types of Reciprocal Pronouns

There are two types of reciprocal pronouns:

  • each other 
  • one another

How to Use Reciprocal Pronouns

Reciprocal pronouns function as possessive pronouns and objects in the sentences. Let’s talk about each function in more detail with examples:

As Possessive Pronouns

Reciprocal pronouns can be used as possessive pronouns in the sentence to show ownership or possession.

For example

  • They looked over each other’s homework.
  • Both countries agree to respect one another trade policies.
  • They are looking at each other’s houses.

    Objects in the Sentence

    A reciprocal pronoun can only be used as an object of the sentence. They are not used as the subject of the sentence.

    For example:

    • They help each other.
    • We held each other in these difficult times.
    • They are competing against one another.

    Example Sentences Using Reciprocal Pronouns

    • They love each other.
    • The players help each other to win the match.
    • Kids play with each other.
    • Both of them make fun of one another.
    • They sent greetings to one another.
    • They both hold each other’s hand.
    • They look at each other’s faces.
    • People should support one another in the cause.
    • They are working towards one another’s goal.
    • They were taking care of one another in a dire situation.


    Reciprocal pronouns in Engish grammar describe a mutual relationship between two elements in the sentence. There are only two types: each other and one another. 

    Reciprocal pronouns function as objects in the sentence who race action. They can also work as possessives to show possession or ownership. 

    However, we do not use reciprocal pronouns as the subject of the sentence. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a reciprocal pronoun?

    A reciprocal pronoun is a pronoun that shows the relationship between two elements in the sentence. For instance, in the sentence, they love each other.

    What are the types of reciprocal pronouns?

    There are only two types of reciprocal pronouns, and they are;

    • each other 
    • one another.

    How to use reciprocal pronouns in the sentence?

    Reciprocal pronouns are used either as possessive or object in the sentence. However, they are not used as the subject of the sentence. 

    I hope this article helped you to learn the definition of reciprocal pronouns, examples of reciprocal nouns, and how to correctly use them in sentences.

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