What are Vowels and Consonant in English Grammar?

by | Nov 25, 2024 | Pronunciation | 0 comments

What are vowels and consonants in English grammar?

In English, 44 sounds are divided in two main categories; vowels and consonants.

In this article, you will learn about vowels and consonants used in the English language. 

Let’s get started!

What are Vowels in English

Vowels are letters in English alphabets that are uttered with out stopping airflow. 

There are five vowels in English; a, e, i, o u. However, y is also considered a vowel sometimes. 

Vowels are further divided into long and short vowels bases on the their sound. In English, each word contains vowels and consonats.

Long Vowels

Long vowels are those letters that produce long sound when they are uttered. 


  • Grapes
  • Feet
  • Kite
  • Boat
  • Glue

Short Vowels

Short vowels are those alphabetical letters that produce short sound when they are uttered.


  • Apple
  • Elephant
  • Igloo
  • Octopus
  • Umbrella

What are Consonant in English


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