What is Future Simple Tense? Definition and Examples

by | Mar 21, 2024 | Verb Tenses

Future Simple Tense is a verb tense used to describe things happening in the future.

In English, we simply talk about future actions like I will go to work, she will cook food, and they will play with us. All these sentences describe some actions that will start in the future. They have not started yet, or there is the possibility that they will never begin. But still, to explain these sentences in English, we use the future simple tense.

In this article, you will learn what future simple tense is, how to make sentences of future simple, and when to use this tense.

Future simple tense is a verb tense in English grammar used to describe actions that will start in the future but haven’t started yet. The action will start and end in the future. It has not started yet. 


  • He will read the book.
  • He will eat food.
  • He will take tea.
  • He will write a letter.
  • He will play a game.
  • He will clean the house.

When to Use Future Simple Tense

The simple future tense is used to talk about the things or actions that will start in the future. Anything that does not happen in the present but will occur in the coming time is described in the simple future. 

How to Make Future Simple Tense

The structural formula of a simple future is:

Subject + will + base verb + Object

In the future simple tense, we use the helping verb “will” to donate the occurrence of action in the future. Similar to simple present tense, we use the present participle verb, which is the first form of the main verb in English.

Positive Sentences of Future Simple 

In the positive sentences of simple future, we use an auxiliary verb “will” with the present participle form of the main verb. The structure of the sentence would be;

Subject + will + Present Participle.


  • He will go.
  • He will work.
  • He will sleep.
  • He will read.
  • He will write.
  • He will study.

Negative Sentences of Future Simple

To make negative sentences of future simple, we simply add not after the auxiliary verb will. The construction of the sentence in negative sentences is:

Subject + will not + Present Participle

For Example;

  • He will not go.
  • He will not work.
  • He will not sleep.
  • He will not read.
  • He will not write.
  • He will not study.

Question Sentences of Future Simple

When asking a question in the simple future, start the sentence with an auxiliary or helping verb. The word “will” comes at the beginning of the sentence, followed by a subject and the main verb.

The structure of the question sentence of future simple will look like this:

Will + Subject + Present Participle.


  • Will he go?
  • Will he work?
  • Will he sleep?
  • Will he read?
  • Will he write?
  • Will he study?
He will read the book tomorrow.
She will visit us next summer.
He will go for sightseeing.
The rain will start soon.
He will not read the book tomorrow.
She will not visit us next summer.
He will not go for sightseeing.
The rain will not start soon.
Will he read the book tomorrow?
Will she visit us next summer.?
Will he go for sightseeing?
Will the rain start soon?

Contractions or Short Form of Future Simple Tense

  • He will –> He’ll
  • She will –> She’ll
  • It will –> It’ll
  • They will –> They’ll
  • I will –> I’ll
  • We will –> We’ll
  • You will –> You’ll
  • Will not –> won’t

When to Use Future Simple Tense

1. For Predictions

  • It will rain tomorrow.
  • He will be the next president.
  • He will pass his driving test.

2. For Invitations, Proposals

  • Will you marry me?
  • Will you join us?
  • Will you come to the party?

3. Proposals, Requests and  Promises

  • Will you help me? 
  • Will you marry me?
  • I will help with your assignments.

4. Offers

  • Shal we go?
  • Shall I open the door?
  • Shall we call for help?

5. Commands or Orders

  • You will take a practice test.
  • You will stop watching TV.
  • You will go outside.

More Examples of Future Simple Tense

  • He will do his homework.
  • He will go and get the grocery.
  • She will run errands.
  • They will come tomorrow.
  • We will take a class.
  • We will participate in the meeting.
  • The meeting will start early.
  • The guest will arrive on Tuesday.


Future simple is a verb tense that is used to talk about things or actions that will start in the future.

The starting point of the action in future simple tense is in the future, which means that it has not started yet or there could be a possibility of never starting in the future.

However, we use this tense to explain things that will occur in the future.

To make the future simple tense, we use the auxiliary verb will with the base verb, also known as the present participle. The present participle is the first form of the verb in English.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is future simple in English?

Future simple is a verb tense in English grammar that describes actions that are going to start in the future.

What is an example of a future simple?

  • She will read the book this year. 
  • He will travel to his home country next year.

How to form future simple tense?

To make the future simple tense, we use will/shall with the base verb (the present participle).

I hope this article helped you learn future simple tense in English. If you liked it, please share it and subscribe to our newsletter for updates, language learning tips, and the latest blog posts. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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